
Welcome to Aru & Co, where we share information on travel, food, fashion, people management, recipes, healthcare, and more! Our purpose is to inspire people to live life with a positive approach, and motivate them to make positive lifestyle choices.

At our core, we believe in the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi. This concept encourages us to find beauty in imperfection and to appreciate the simple, natural things in life. We believe that this philosophy can help us all lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Our website is also a co-working space of sharing, where anybody can share their thoughts and ideas. We believe that by working together and sharing our knowledge and experiences, we can all learn and grow.

Whether you’re looking for travel tips, healthy recipes, or fashion advice, we’re here to help. We hope that our website will inspire you to embrace positivity and live your best life. Thank you for visiting and keep sharing!